Adslogger - Complete helper blog for google adsense on blogger

We all know that adsense is everbest ad-network in the world.And i will teach you how to get most out of it

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So creating your website can be pretty simple — and even the complicated stuff isn’t difficult. But you’ll also need to sign up for AdSense. If you’re using Blogger or a sitebuilder like Moonfruit, you’ll actually be able to join AdSense from within those programs. Choose to insert an AdSense unit and you’ll be asked to sign in to your AdSense account to fetch your code. If you don’t have an account, you’ll be offered a link to sign up. Alternatively, you can join AdSense directly from Google...
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Start as a Blogger Grow to Publisher

So how should you start? How should someone who wants to make money from AdSense publishing, but who has never built a website, begin? You can start wherever you feel most comfortable. If you’re confident enough to dive straight into WordPress or even create a site from scratch yourself, that’s fine. But most people are likely to find that the best way is to begin with Blogger. Sign up, play with the templates, write some content, join AdSense and add some AdSense units.Do it just for the pleasure...
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High Paying Ads. Extremely Important!!!.

Ok Folks, a totally new subject. High Paying Ads. One of the most obvious things about different ads is- they are different. (Well Daaa..) Well yes, maybe it's really obvious, but there are still things you need to know: Lets imagine together, that a new Hi-Tech company wants to sell a new product they invented. Lets call that company "Techy". Now, Techy wants to let every one know about their new product, so they produce nice commercials, and they place huge posters on the streets. Oh! What...
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Adsense Income - Where Do You Start!

The very first thing you must do to have an AdSense web site would be to select a market -- or even subject -- for the web site. In the event that this really is your own very first web site after that it's wise to create a web site in regards to a subject you've good quality understanding or even encounter along with. Should you style an internet site in regards to a subject you realize regarding, you will discover this super easy to produce plenty of great content material dependent by yourself...
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Dirty Tricks and Bad Tips That Will Get Your Adsense Account Banned

Want to make money with Google AdSense for content? Here's a list of what not to do, unless you want to get banned. Google doesn't play around when it comes to click fraud. Click fraud loses Google money, and it loses AdWords customers money. If you don't play by the rules, you may get a warning, you may get suspended, or you may just get banned. 1. Commit Google Don'ts The first thing to avoid is any of the Google Don'ts. Cloaking, keyword stuffing, and title stacking are all ways to get banned...
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Why Your Payment Method is Not Available?

Have you ever worried about selection of payment method because it is not available? Huh, Consider about my situation, I have 100+ Dollars in my account but payment method is not available. Even though adsense says that You can only select a payment method after the finalized earnings in your transaction history have reached at least $10.00 or your local currency equivalent. I got worried since i have $117.56 correctly but not get payment method. I thought that google betrayed me!! But don't worry...
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Using AdSense On Your Own Custom Site

Whether you decide to begin with a simple dynamic service like those supplied by Blogger or, or whether you go for an easy static site like the ones you can create with Google Sites or a website creator like Moonfruit’s, you’ll be up and running with your own website in minutes. That’s exciting. If you’re building your first site, it really is a thrill to see something you’ve created...
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How to Use Google Adsense on Moonfruit blog

One way to do that and still keep the simplicity of Google Pages is to use a service like Moonfruit. Like Google Pages, Moonfruit — and there are plenty of other companies now offering similar services — provides templates and an editor that lets you move elements around on the page, write text and upload images, all without ever seeing a line of code — except for the AdSense code which you can also handle through the site itself. You’ll have to figure out a design, something that might take...
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How to use Google Adsense on Google Sites

Fortunately Blogger isn’t the only way to get online fast. Google’s Sites, the replacement for its Page Creator available at, makes building a static website as simple as point, click and type. Again, you get a choice of templates that you can edit freely and simply by clicking buttons and typing in text boxes. It’s little different to using Word or any other piece of user-friendly software. And because its run by Google, placing your AdSense code onto the site is pretty painless...
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How to Create your Ads, And How to optimize your ads

The choice of AdSense formats can be overwhelming. Many people let Google decide for them, preferring to stick with the default settings that AdSense provides. Big mistake! From my own experience I can tell you that’s like swapping a hundred-dollar bill for a ten-dollar bill. For almost a year I settled for just a tenth of what I could have been making just because I didn’t bother to control the look and placement of my AdSense units. The various ad formats, colors and locations on the Web page...
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Changing Your Time zone in Adsense, How it will effect your earnings?

Do you ever noticed following message in your adsense admin page "You have just changed your timezone and may notice discrepancies in estimated earnings on the homepage. Your payments will not be impacted." Changing your timezone is not a problem at all.If you change your timezone you should have one long day and one short day whilst it adjusts.Google basically do not update any change for 8 hours of the day.And above message continues in your adsense account for a maximum of 2 weeks and minimum...
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How to Use Google AdSense In Wordpress Blog

Unlike the original open source program, doesn’t require the publisher to already have a hosting service. There’s no installation and no documentation to read through before you can call yourself a “Wordpress expert.” Like Blogger, it’s just a matter of signing up, choosing a template, writing your content and having the pleasure of seeing it online right away. But… there is a very big “but.” There are also no ads. At least, none for the publisher. supports itself...
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Do you know Google AdSense can give money without click?

Do you ever noticed Google AdSense  shows earning without any click. Think How is this possible?,Huh!!. Yep that's also possible if you have noble amount of visitors and those visitors return also, It's called CPM.They are ad critics. The figure below shows that So What is CPM ads CPM stands for "cost per 1000 impressions." Advertisers running CPM ads set their desired price per 1000 ads...
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Why your Blog have very low Adsense CPC ? Is it possible for Increase your CPC

You might know what a cpc means, It's cost per click. If you have adsense the chance for thinking about CPC is almost 95%. And i know exactly why you reached here, Because of your low cpc. There might be several reasons for your low cpc, let me elaborate such a situation. Let you have a website about technology. Having copied content is the ever worst thing that lower your cpc.Well, Suppose one of your blog has copied contents, and contents relating to things like tech, mobile gadgets, etc. Do...
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Building An AdSense-Ready Website

I’m always happy to help people make the most of Google, but many of these people didn’t even have a website! Here’s the bad news: to make money with AdSense, you’ve got to have a website. There’s no getting around that. The good news though is that it’s never been easier to create a website from scratch and use it to generate real revenue. There are all sorts of ways to build that site. The option you choose will depend on the level of your knowledge, on the size of your budget, and on the...
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What is AdSense?

AdSense is an Internet advertising system run by Google. Advertisers sign up to Google’s AdWords program and use the system to create an ad. That ad is usually a short text commercial, like a classified, that includes a headline, two short lines of text and a link to a Web page. It might also be in a rich media format such as graphic image or a video. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The advertiser sets a monthly budget and decides the maximum amount that they’re willing...
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Google AdSense Online Terms of Service and Condition

This post is intended to give clear guidance about  adsense  terms and conditions. 1.   Welcome to AdSense! Thanks for your interest in our search and advertising services (the “Services”)!  By using our Services, you agree to these terms (the “AdSense Terms”), the AdSense Program Policies and the Google Branding Guidelines  (collectively, the “Agreement”). If ever in conflict, to the extent of such conflict, the AdSense Terms will take precedence over any other terms...
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